Who are Churches Together in Stroud?

Churches Together in Stroud comprises both churches and associated Christian organisations from across the district and denominations.

A forum of representatives from Member Churches and Associate Organisations meets quarterly to discuss issues, make plans and support each other’s work.

The Aims of CTiS:

  1. Provide a means of consultation between churches.
  2. Facilitate common witness to Christ by member churches.
  3. Work and pray for Christian unity in association with Gloucestershire Churches Together and Churches Together in England.


Full Membership is open to any church in Stroud which affirms the Basis and commits itself to promote the aims of CTiS

Associate Membership is open to any organisation in the Stroud area bringing together Christians of different denominations for purposes in accord with the Basis and Aims of CTiS.

Basis of Faith (As written in our Constitution)

CTiS unites in pilgrimage, those churches in Stroud which, acknowledging God’s revelation in Christ, confess the Lord Jesus Christ as incarnate Son of God and Saviour according to the scriptures, and in obedience to God’s will and in the power of the Holy Spirit, commit themselves to seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with one another in the Church, which is His body and to fulfil their mission to proclaim the Gospel by common witness and service in the world, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Download the full constitution

Contact the team and express and interest in Membership or Associate Membership